Rabu, 20 April 2011

Global Warming Future - Understanding the Future is likely

Global Warming Future. May know more in the future, man will understand how things work, and try to determine the cause and effect, the driving force of civilization.

It was our success in understanding the causes and effects are excellent in all aspects of science and technology. Now we can build higher buildings than ever before, and we can go further and faster than ever go before in our history, we understand more about our bodies and our health than ever let the disease overcome and prolong life for many . But with this success, it became clear that the world cast of uncertainty, global warming and climate change that result.

It comes as a surprise to many that the data is the phenomenon of global warming is not new.

1824 years ago a scientist named Joseph Fourier discovered that the earth's atmosphere to keep the Earth warmer than expected, and was known as global warming, "are carbon dioxide, or CO2, in shorthand, is an active gas, give it to the outside is visible (light) of the Sun in climate, but delays in the production of energy as heat (infrared), has 100 and described in 1859 by a scientist named John Tyndall. another name Svante Arrhenius made the first consequences of the accounts Adding more CO2 to human activities (primarily through the use of fossil fuels), increasing the average surface temperature of the late 19th century. In fact, since then, scientists have been improving our knowledge to Searching for generations.

In recent years, scientists have many activities to prove that global warming is a real phenomenon and remain this way:

Global Warming

Although an accurate way to temperatures in different areas of relatively recent measure scholars, and other ways to the higher temperature than other reactions, such as tree rings to calculate. There are three main ways to maintain the temperature of the earth to bring and show that the three warmed the planet since 1880. Most signed warming since 1970, and the hottest 20 years have occurred since 1981 and the hottest 10 years, the past 12 years.

Ocean warming

With a high temperature of the water was warm. Within 700 meters of the ocean temperature increased small, but measurable.


If the Greenland ice sheet and Antarctica, and the degree of ice cover in the Arctic or the size of glaciers, the world of the ice melts. This fact led the oceans warm, sea level rise.

Extreme weather

At high temperatures in various world record of extremely low levels are traditionally low. Frequency and severity of storms and floods is increasing.

The high demand for the global community, and what to do with global warming and climate change associated with it. On the one hand, largely financed by the use of fossil fuels, the business lobby, which says: "do nothing." Their argument is that science is "definitely" What is the impact of global warming and the cost of the transfer of clean fossil energy will be high. Well, as they say, wait and see how we respond to changes in the future. It follows that science does not know what or when the effects are so do not worry until something was clearly a reaction.

"Inconclusive" has a special meaning as in the fields of science and scientists say there is rarely anything "safe" to consider the most advanced in physics will be times when someone can go through the wall. Most importantly, the possibility of an event, science speaks of "a level of confidence." This is actually a field of statistics the chances that something you saw and the reason for what is expected to have caused the other hand, is only a "possibility" of supervision. Let me give you an example of using coins. Almost everything is a nice idea, but make the coin, you can remove the head or tail to head or tail of the probability reaches 50/50.

If you re-roll may still be 50/50, as each shot is independent of the past: there is a "law of averages," which means that if you just throw your head 4 or 5 in a row next shot should be a tail: every situation as it is expected to head or tail as the last. However, normal start too many of the heads or tails in a row as usual, we can calculate the possibilities.

Say you want to know what it's probably top ten in a row. Every time you flip a coin two possible outcomes, head and tail, and Flip the coin twice there are four possible outcomes of the first leaders then and the then president of the tail, the tail, pull over, the symbol code. Each additional raffle adds two possible outcomes for each possible outcome is three shots to authorize eight possibilities, four and 16 and so on. Tenth shots to the profit potential in 1024, which is just one of the ten heads in a row to give. Scientific perspective, if you sat down and tossed a coin 1024 times, "confident" that at some point the meeting will get my head right. Global Warming Future article .

In the case of global warming due to climate change, science is "convinced" that there is a dark future where crops are affected more people sick from the heat, too many people, buildings and bridges damaged by floods. When the "uncertainty" Confidence is what if the worst effects will be felt in 2030 or 2050: At least not far away.

One thing to the exercise of all to make to predicting the future, and clear: what happens in the future will be determined largely by what we do today. It is still possible to change the course of the future just to change, by reducing the amount of carbon we are in the atmosphere. You can help to achieve this through actions by reducing energy consumption by improving insulation in your home, use public transport or natural and reducing the amount of red meat diet. But individual efforts are not enough. Your political representatives and companies doing business with you, and you think it's a big problem that caused this issue.

We can not trust in the future, but we understand the cause and effect: It's time for a change for the better. It is time to implement solutions to climate change. Global Warming Future article.

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